Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to sha
Happy Birthday to you
This post is specially dedicated to my bestfriend: Sha (Nurul Shahirawati bt Mohamed Rosli) for her 23rd birthday..huuuu..
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to sha
Happy Birthday to you
This post is specially dedicated to my bestfriend: Sha (Nurul Shahirawati bt Mohamed Rosli) for her 23rd birthday..huuuu..
Ucapan utk sha:
Sha my dear, Happy birthday!!!
May u have a good health, beauty and soul, bless from Allah,
Sha my dear, Happy birthday!!!
May u have a good health, beauty and soul, bless from Allah,
success and happy life dunia dan akhirat.
May joy and lots of laughter be with u forever.
Love u. Muahh *hugs and kisses*
Last Saturday nite, we (aku, zack ngn sha) went out to celebrate her coming birthday!! (sbb esoknye (Ahad) sha da nk balik UTM da), so we sort of the very first persons who celebrate her birthday..ye ke sha??^^
May joy and lots of laughter be with u forever.
Love u. Muahh *hugs and kisses*
Last Saturday nite, we (aku, zack ngn sha) went out to celebrate her coming birthday!! (sbb esoknye (Ahad) sha da nk balik UTM da), so we sort of the very first persons who celebrate her birthday..ye ke sha??^^
Siang tu, dr tghr aku membuat cupcakes as birthday present for her. Mmh penat gile ah tp puas hati.huhu. Sblm aku membuat cupcakes (kek cawan), aku sempat lagi menyalut kek yg aku dah bwt dgn krim dan coklat dan dihiaskan dgn manic-manik yg bole dimakan. Hasilnya sekelip mata kek tu abes. Fuhh..
Then, misi membuat cupcake diteruskan..Dengan usaha dan jerih dan perih aku membancuh adunan-adunan utk cupcake tersebut (cehh..mcm keje kat sawah jeh..padahal bwt kek je pon..keke). Cupcake dimasak selama lebeh kurang 10-15 min, kemudian cupcake dikeluarkan dari oven setelah ia masak..Jangan lupe utk memakai sarung tgn khas utk oven bagi mengelakkan tgn yg cantik, gebu dan lembut dari melecur.Kemudian..Opps!! Cara-cara dan bahan-bahan membuat cupcake ni aku akan cerita dlm entry yg laen k..huu^^
Berbalik semule kpd birthday sha..Ni la hasil cupcake yg aku bwt utk sha..
Akhirnya apa yg sha dpt ialah..
Dari ‘hepi bday sha’--> da jadi ‘hepi b(butterfly)ay sha’
lagi satu..kek yg kat tepi2 tu cam dah distorted. sbb terpenyek ketika di dlm kereta. Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaa….
Tapi alhmdulillah..sha sgt gembira dgn cupcakes yg aku bg..huhu
Ktorg hangout/melepak/berborak/mengumpat/gelak2/usha org/berebut parking kereta (sbb parking penuh)/ taking pictures/blablablablablabla kat Simple..
Borak-borak-dan-borak-yg-x-sedar-diri-da-sampai-1130mlm-upenye..Kene balik.Pompuan x baik blk malam2 sgt.Hik2.Ktorg pon blk..
Opss!! Sori..x nmpk mata zack..
Haa...skrg baru nmpk mata *winks*
Tapi alhmdulillah..sha sgt gembira dgn cupcakes yg aku bg..huhu
Ktorg hangout/melepak/berborak/mengumpat/gelak2/usha org/berebut parking kereta (sbb parking penuh)/ taking pictures/blablablablablabla kat Simple..
Borak-borak-dan-borak-yg-x-sedar-diri-da-sampai-1130mlm-upenye..Kene balik.Pompuan x baik blk malam2 sgt.Hik2.Ktorg pon blk..
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